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ABS in Korea News
  • Date : 2021-03-23 10:30:09
  • Name : admin
  • Hits : 1111
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The Pictorial Book, ”Sea Slugs of Korea” Published
The Pictorial Book, ”Sea Slugs of Korea” Published 

NIBR announced that a pictorial book titled “Sea Slugs of Korea” was released on 24 December 2020 covering 132 Korean sea slugs. The information was gathered from the “Study on Undiscovered Invertebrate Species from Korea 2016-2020”.  

Sea slug is a marine snail that belongs to the molluscs such as a top shell. It features that most of sea slugs have lost their shells, and yet they have different body shapes, colors, and sizes.  

The pictorial book covers comprehensive information on Korean sea slugs including their scientific names, shapes, habitats, distinctive features, taxonomic records, and ecological and taxonomic information with enlarged pictures so that the information can contribute to the identification of the species.

The book describes 35 families, 82 genera, and132 species of the sea slugs that received taxonomic review after discovered all across South Korea through the NIBR’s 5-year study. 

Through the study, NIBR has added 11 unrecorded species such as new species Cadlina koreana to Korean National Species Lists after published in two scientific journals: Zookeys, and the Korean Journal of Malacology.

The book,” Sea Slugs of Korea” will be distributed to major Korean libraries, research institutions, and relevant government agencies. It is also available to NIBR’s website (www.nibr.go.kr) in PDF format.